The Workshops are Ideal for you:
Energy Coding I: Transformation
Shifting Self-Limiting Beliefs & Patterns,
Self-Sabotage Programs & Conditioning
Energy Coding III: Manifestation
Self-Realization through Materialization
of Your Personal & Professional Goals
In 2024 this Course is scheduled to be taught in 4 PARTS: each 6-hour long in 2 blocks on one day either a Sat or Sun (choose one group) on the last weekend of JUL, SEPT, NOV & DEC.
PART 1: The Rainbow Human: Your Energy & Light – The Universal Energy, Light Spectrum and how you become the embodiment of both; Subtle Bodies anatomy, your Light Body & Colours, Light spectrum & colour frequencies, Encoding for pattern shift with the POWERS OF LIGHT
PART 2: Pattern Shift 1: Vibrational Upgrade of The Inner You – Shifting self-limiting patterns in 7 aspects of your consciousness & self-expression (Chakra System Coding) PRIMORDIAL GEOMETRIES
PART 3: Pattern Shift 3: Vibrational Upgrade of Your Environment – Your living & working spaces + furniture (Harmonizing Codes 1 for well-being & pattern shift) PLATONIC SOLIDS
PART 4: Pattern Shift 4: Vibrational Upgrade of Your Belongings – Vehicles, electronic devices, tools, jewellery (Harmonizing Codes 2 for function optimization in goals) ESOTERIC GEOMETRIES
ENERGY CODING I: Transformation (PART 1)
The Rainbow Human: Your Energy & Light
Subtle Bodies anatomy and your Light Body,
Coding with Light powers for pattern shift
ENERGY CODING I: Transformation (PART 2)
Pattern Shift 1: Vibrational Upgrade of The
Inner You (Shifting self-limiting patterns in
7 foundation aspects of self-expression)
ENERGY CODING I: Transformation (PART 3)
Pattern Shift 3: Vibrational Upgrade of Your
Environment (Harmonizing home & work
spaces for your well-being & pattern shift)
ENERGY CODING I: Transformation (PART 4)
Pattern Shift 4: Vibrational Upgrade of Your
Belongings (Harmonizing devices, vehicles,
tools, etc. for function optimization in goals)
COURSES & RETREATS: Since the pandemic, all on-site Courses at the collaborating Holistic & Spiritual Centres worldwide as well as our Retreats in Mexico, Guatemala, Bali (Indonesia) and Spain continue suspended until further notice in favour of Live Online Courses.
ONLINE COURSES: To compensate for the on-site Workshops and Retreats suspension, now you can book all Courses and Practitioner Training in a group or one-to-one class on Google Meet, Zoom, Skype or WhatsApp.
(1) Group Courses:
(2) One-To-One Courses: