DURATION: 6 hours
8am-11am, 12pm-3pm (UTC+0 London UK)
9am-12pm, 1pm-16:00 (UTC+1 Madrid, SP)
10am-1pm, 2pm-5pm (UTC+2 Cape Town, SA)
4pm-7pm, 8pm-11pm (UTC+8 Perth AU / Hong Kong)
5pm-8pm, 9pm-12am (UTC+9 Tokyo, JP)
DURATION: 6 hours
3pm-6pm, 7pm-10pm (UTC+0 London, UK)
4pm-7pm, 8pm-11pm (UTC+1 Madrid, SP)
5pm-8pm, 9pm-12am (UTC+2 Cape Town, SA)
10am-1pm, 2pm-5pm (UTC-5, New York USA / Toronto, CA)
7am-10am, 11am-2pm (UTC-8, San Francisco USA / Vancouver, CA)
None (You can register to this Course without the requirement to study any other Course before it)
(1) The Keys to the True Alchemical Elements: The Mayan Calendar, The Tarot, DNA, Light & Sacred Geometry (Seminar – 27 or 28 Apr)
(2) The Genius of Mayan Math & Numerology (Vigesimal System) (Seminar – 24 or 25 Aug)
(3) The Secrets of The Mayan Sacred Time-Space Spiral of Creation (Seminar – 26 or 27 Oct)
(4) Intuition, The Unconscious & Radiesthesia (Prerequisite for Energy Coding I: Transformation & Pattern Shift series) (Workshop- 25 or 26 May)
(5) (Sacred Geometry) Energy Coding I: Transformation (Workshop)
3 COURSES+GET 1 FREE=4 Courses/360 €
4 COURSES+GET 2 FREE=6 Courses/480 €
5 COURSES+GET 4 FREE=9 Courses/600 €
3 COURSES+GET 1 FREE=4 Courses/450 €
4 COURSES+GET 2 FREE=6 Courses/600 €
5 COURSES+GET 4 FREE=9 Courses/750 €
3 COURSES+GET 1 FREE=4 Courses/540 €
4 COURSES+GET 2 FREE=6 Courses/720 €
5 COURSES+GET 4 FREE=9 Courses/900 €
The One Diversified Heart – Hun Aab’ K’u: The Giver of Movement & Measure – The Mayan Cosmovision on Oneness, Polarity, Duality & Universal Dualism
Does the Mayan spirituality debunk the widespread New Age idea that we need to transcend duality in order to be able to ascend to the 5th-Dimensional Level of Consciousness? In this Seminar we will analyze the foundation principles of the Maya Cosmovision and spirituality to find the answer. We will look at the evolution order and its phases in the Mayan Cosmogony and the Mesoamerican knowledge about The Creation from its very Seed and Origin. We will contemplate the nature of Hun Aab’ K’u, The Giver of Movement and Measure, The Creator and Maker, The Formator and Constructor, and how it contains All That Is, The Whole Creation.
This Course is of a particular importance to anyone interested not only in the Mayan tradition, culture, spirituality, cosmovision and cosmogony but also in the the controversial concepts of oneness and duality, whether they are in conflict or not, and the differences between polarity, duality and universal dualism.