Sacred Runes

Private Sessions with Nigma

The Sacred Runes

The Sacred Runes are an ancient script and Oracle preserved and cultivated still today in the Norse Shamanic culture. They convey a set of Archetypes, the fundamental universal concepts that describe human psyche and evolution, as well as life experiences and challenges. They can act as either Receivers or Emitters and in both roles they become a powerful transformational tool. As Receptors, the Sacred Runes capture the energy and configuration of your psyche and current circumstances and, in a Casting and Reading Session, transmit forecast and guidance regarding any aspect of your life. As Emitters, the Runes and Bindrunes have the ability to shape your Energy, Consciousness and Reality, just like any other geometrical forms in 2D or 3D, so thanks to a Runic Amulet Design you can resort to their powers for a variety of functions and needs, from protection, healing or empowerment to creativity, abundance and manifestation.

(1) Runic Amulets Design

Bindrunes and Runic Amulets are a powerful way to work with the Sacred Runes as they protect, empower, and guide you through a challenging time in your life. This formula combines (1) the Service of channelling and designing your Personal Runic Amulet, (2) two Special Purpose Bindrunes, and (3) a Guidance Session unravelling the meaning and powers of your Bindrunes that disclose your most imperative needs in this moment of your life (protection, grace, health, love, home, good luck, courage, creativity, abundance, etc.). Bindrunes and Runic Amulets can be worn or even painted directly on your body, or if you prefer, engraved into a crystal or a piece of wood and worn as a pendant.

(2) Sacred Runes Reading

This Higher Guidance Session may adopt many different forms depending on your needs and the nature of your enquiries. If you feel open and allow The Great Spirit to guide you, the Reading will disclose the most important things you need to know and pay attention to right now, pinpointing which aspects of your self-expression and life you need to attend to or transform and how. Otherwise, the Session can focus on any of your specific enquiries regarding your personal or business matters offering forecast of the potential and outcome of any relationship or situation, as well as guidance that helps in making important decisions and difficult choices.


Depending on the number or the complexity of your enquiries, you can be offered either summarized Guidance in one Session or comprehensive Guidance in a Series of Sessions allowing for much more detail, insight and analysis. If your have many enquiries or a complex one concerning diverse matters, choose a Value Package – a Series of 5 IN-DEPTH Sessions offering a variety of Reading Formats adapted to different topics, and an additional BONUS 6th Session FREE OF CHARGE.


• One 2h CONCISE Reading, or
• One 4h IN-DEPTH Reading (or split into Two 2h Sessions)


• A Series of Five 4h Sessions combining a variety of Reading Formats and Topics of your choice: e.g.: Challenges & Opportunities, Co-Creation, Dilemmas Resolving, Relationships and a Bindrunes & Runic Amulet Design (1 Personal Runic Amulet, 2 Special Purpose Bindrunes and a Guidance Session)
1 FREE OF CHARGE BONUS: (a) One 4h Sacred Runes Reading (or split into Two 2h Sessions) or (b) BioEntrainment healing and optimizing your Nervous System responsible for the transmission of information and, therefore, the reception and understanding of Higher Guidance
• A PDF with Guidance highlights and useful notes based on your Readings


Contact Nigma directly by text message on WhatsApp or Telegram (+52 999 640 3414 Mexico or +34 653 218 000 Spain) or by email (contact @ Pleiadian with a copy to Pleiadian Alchemy @ for reassurance).