The combination of your Archetypes reveals both the evolutionary lessons that your Soul comes to learn in this lifetime and many aspects of Your Soul Contract (your Soul’s Intent and Sacred Agreements) shaping your identity, potential, higher purpose, destiny path and corresponding life experiences. Archetypes are the key elements of the Collective Unconscious moulding your Psyche endowing you with specific traits, drives, aspirations and a mirroring life path in pursuit of self-realization. By discovering your own Archetypes, you can learn to use their Light Aspects for empowerment, and transform their Shadow Aspects to heal and grow.
This is a very revealing form of self-discovery opening the door to a much deeper level of self-knowledge and understanding of your original identity beyond the limitations of time, space and current incarnation. Your Soul Contract discloses your Eternal Soul’s Intent, Plan and Sacred Agreements made for this lifetime co-created with the Great Spirit, and your Archetypes hold the keys to the evolutionary lessons your Soul chose for growth. It is fundamentally about who you are, what you come to learn and what your Higher Purpose is: in what aspects you need to grow, what you come to overcome and let go of, what you come to do, achieve and contribute with to the evolution of your own Eternal Soul and of the Universal Consciousness. It delves into the details of the set of the Archetypes of the Universal Consciousness that rule your Psyche and shape your beliefs, behaviour and life experience.
Remember that your alignment with your Sacred Agreements and learning your evolutionary lessons depend on the grade of your proactivity and commitment. The full Series of Your Archetypes creates conditions to bring about more awareness, awakening and life-transforming results than a one-off Session.
• One 4h Session (or split into Two 2h Sessions) disclosing 2 Core Sets of Your Archetypes and the life lessons that you come to learn in this lifetime: (1) The Self & The Outer You Traits as well as (2) Your Foundation, Earthly Values & Assets
• A Series of Five 4h Sessions disclosing 10 Core Aspects of your Soul Contract lessons based on your Archetypes
• 1 FREE OF CHARGE BONUS: the 6th Session with 2 Final Aspects (11) The Plan for your Interaction with the Society and (12) Ancestral Stories and Your Soul’s Secrets, Challenges & Limitations
• An approx. 40-Page PDF: the description of your Soul Contract evolutionary lessons based on the analysis of your Archetypes
Contact Nigma directly by text message on WhatsApp or Telegram (+52 999 640 3414 Mexico or +34 653 218 000 Spain) or by email (contact @ Pleiadian with a copy to Pleiadian Alchemy @ for reassurance).
(1) your full name
(2) your date of birth
(3) your time of birth (if you do not know the exact time, at least as approximate as possible)
(4) your place of birth (country & town)
If possible, please book the Session at least one week in advance to allow for your Archetypes analysis and description.