DURATION: 6 hours
8am-11am, 12pm-3pm (UTC+0 London UK)
9am-12pm, 1pm-16:00 (UTC+1 Madrid, SP)
10am-1pm, 2pm-5pm (UTC+2 Cape Town, SA)
4pm-7pm, 8pm-11pm (UTC+8 Perth AU / Hong Kong)
5pm-8pm, 9pm-12am (UTC+9 Tokyo, JP)
DURATION: 6 hours
3pm-6pm, 7pm-10pm (UTC+0 London, UK)
4pm-7pm, 8pm-11pm (UTC+1 Madrid, SP)
5pm-8pm, 9pm-12am (UTC+2 Cape Town, SA)
10am-1pm, 2pm-5pm (UTC-5, New York USA / Toronto, CA)
7am-10am, 11am-2pm (UTC-8, San Francisco USA / Vancouver, CA)
None (You can register to this Course without the requirement to study any other Course before it)
(1) HunAab’K’u: The Giver of Movement & Measure – Oneness, Polarity, Duality & Universal Dualism (Seminar – 29 or 30 Jun)
(2) The Genius of Mayan Math & Numerology (Vigesimal System) (Seminar – 24 or 25 Aug)
(3) The Secrets of The Mayan Sacred Time-Space Spiral of Creation (Seminar – 26 or 27 Oct)
(4) Intuition, The Unconscious & Radiesthesia (Prerequisite for Energy Coding I: Transformation & Pattern Shift series) (Workshop- 25 or 26 May)
(5) (Sacred Geometry) Energy Coding I: Transformation (Workshop)
3 COURSES+GET 1 FREE=4 Courses/360 €
4 COURSES+GET 2 FREE=6 Courses/480 €
5 COURSES+GET 4 FREE=9 Courses/600 €
3 COURSES+GET 1 FREE=4 Courses/450 €
4 COURSES+GET 2 FREE=6 Courses/600 €
5 COURSES+GET 4 FREE=9 Courses/750 €
3 COURSES+GET 1 FREE=4 Courses/540 €
4 COURSES+GET 2 FREE=6 Courses/720 €
5 COURSES+GET 4 FREE=9 Courses/900 €
The Keys to the True Alchemical Elements: The Mayan Calendar, The Tarot, DNA, Light & Sacred Geometry
The Platonic Solids are NOT what they told us: Discoveries that challenge the official version of Alchemy about the Five Alchemical Elements, the Platonic Solids, and the link between them. Currently there are numerous healing and transformational procedures for personal development and spiritual evolution based upon these features. Alarmingly, they are causing adverse effects on the Seekers and Healees exposed to them due to the errors in the foundations of the system leading to regression instead of evolution, confusion instead of clarity, and even illness instead of healing as your vibrational and genetic cellular memory, DNA, Energy and Consciousness get programmed by the Elements that are contrary to your transformational and healing needs. The convergence of revealing information contained by the Mayan Calendar, The Tarot, our DNA structure, Light Spectrum, Sacred Geometry, the Seven Sacred Directions and the Mayan Cosmovision sheds surprising light on the matter for us to correct our misconceptions and make fundamental changes in our use of Sacred Geometry and the Five Elements for more effective transformation and healing.
This Course is of a particular importance for Healers, Lightworkers, Teachers and Guides of Transformational processes who use the Five Alchemical Elements and Sacred Geometry in their healing and transformational procedures in order to eradicate misconceptions and shift the way you work with them to get better results.