3 COURSES+GET 1 FREE=4 Courses/360 €
4 COURSES+GET 2 FREE=6 Courses/480 €
5 COURSES+GET 4 FREE=9 Courses/600 €
3 COURSES+GET 1 FREE=4 Courses/450 €
4 COURSES+GET 2 FREE=6 Courses/600 €
5 COURSES+GET 4 FREE=9 Courses/750 €
3 COURSES+GET 1 FREE=4 Courses/540 €
4 COURSES+GET 2 FREE=6 Courses/720 €
5 COURSES+GET 4 FREE=9 Courses/900 €
The Keys to the True Alchemical Elements:
Mayan Calendar, Tarot, DNA, Light& Sacred
Geometry; Challenging the official versions
of Alchemy, 5 Elements & Platonic Solids
Intuition, The Unconscious & Radiesthesia
Vibrational vs. Spiritual Pendulum Dowsing
Protocol for Self-Care/Accessing Guidance
Emotional Guidance System for Choices
The One Diversified Heart – Hun Aab’ K’u:
The Giver of Movement & Measure
The Mayan Cosmovision on Oneness,
Polarity, Duality & Universal Dualism
ENERGY CODING I: Transformation (PART 1)
The Rainbow Human: Your Energy & Light
Subtle Bodies anatomy and your Light Body,
Coding with Light powers for pattern shift
The Genius of Mayan Math & Numerology
The Unity of Science & Spirituality in the
Mathematical Vigesimal System: Time since
Creation & Evolution through Dimensions
ENERGY CODING I: Transformation (PART 2)
Pattern Shift 1: Vibrational Upgrade of The
Inner You (Shifting self-limiting patterns in
7 foundation aspects of self-expression)
Secrets of the Mayan Sacred Time-Space
The Mayan Calendar & Cosmovision on
Time-Space-Vibration Spiral of Creation,
Cosmic-Telluric Energies and Dimensions
ENERGY CODING I: Transformation (PART 3)
Pattern Shift 3: Vibrational Upgrade of Your
Environment (Harmonizing home & work
spaces for your well-being & pattern shift)
ENERGY CODING I: Transformation (PART 4)
Pattern Shift 4: Vibrational Upgrade of Your
Belongings (Harmonizing devices, vehicles
& tools for function optimization in goals)
ON-SITE COURSES & RETREATS: Since the pandemic, all on-site Courses at the collaborating Holistic & Spiritual Centres worldwide as well as our Retreats in Mexico, Guatemala, Bali (Indonesia) and Spain continue suspended until further notice in favour of Live Online Courses.
ONLINE COURSES: To compensate for the on-site Workshops and Retreats suspension, now you can book all Courses and Practitioner Training in a group or one-to-one class on Google Meet, Zoom, Skype or WhatsApp.
(1) Group Courses:
(2) One-To-One Courses:
Developing Your Highest Potential
Empowering Resources for Self-Discovery, Personal Transformation, Healing, Manifestation of Goals & Your Highest Potential — Easy Access to Life-Transforming Courses from Anywhere Around the World
In our Live Online Courses you learn how to achieve effective pattern shift in your consciousness, attitude, self-expression, creativity, health, relationships and all life experiences concerning your personal or business matters. You acquire skills that enable you to reshape yourself and your life by using a variety of powerful holistic and shamanic resources including Sacred Geometry, Energy Coding, DNA Reprogramming, Pleiadian Downloads, Crystal Healing, Aromatherapy, Accessing Higher Guidance, Radiesthesia, The Tarot, The Mayan Calendar, Astrology and Numerology.
The Pleiadian Alchemy Online Courses are not mere seminars but largely interactive workshops. Nigma teaches the online group/individual classes live. It is not a typical Online Course format without your contact with the Teacher, based on your individual study of standardized written materials through purely intellectual and analytical approach, because such learning style would be inappropriate for the Pleiadian Alchemy Workshops due to their character. Since our Workshops focus on the transmission of profound wisdom, knowledge and skills that need to be delivered and absorbed multidimensionally, both on the conscious and unconscious levels while experienced on the emotional and spiritual planes, far beyond the limitations of the mental and intellectual perception, these courses take a more personalized form, unique to each group or individual. Apart from the common core descriptions and explanations, each course includes specific guidance, observations, examples, tasks, explanations and answers relevant and addressed to each individual accordingly, as each of you has different experiences, evolutionary needs and questions regarding the application of what we learn and its repercussions on all aspects of our daily lives.
You can experience the Pleiadian Alchemy Workshops from the comfort of your home, regardless which country you live in. The course can be imparted through Google Meet, Zoom, Skype or WhatsApp. It allows you to avoid additional expenses (flights, hotels, meals away from home, etc.) that travelling to an on-site course would imply. If your availability or budget is limited, this formula enables you to take the course while saving your time and money. If you are interested in many of our workshops, registering for an online course instead of an on-site retreat means that you can take two or three workshops for the price of one retreat, enabling you to learn more and study more often, apart from avoiding the crowds and stress of the airports, flights and hotels.
But if you yearn for adventure, sharing the experience with other Fellow-Seekers and visiting some of the most magical locations of Mayaland (Guatemala and Mexico) and Asia (Bali, Indonesia), then coming to a Retreat could be a better option for you. The contact with the power spots, sacred temples, caves, cenotes, holy springs and the nature reserves of these lands might become a most stimulating, spirit-lifting and growth-inspiring experience for you.
Go to the Retreats Page for more details.
Make sure you feel ready to start the journey of developing your highest potential and multidimensional human expansion. Open your heart, your mind and your soul to the upcoming changes that will prove necessary, and pay attention to the valuable guidance and insights that will direct your path. This journey will take you along the labyrinth of self-exploration and self-discovery while getting to know yourself on a much deeper level, understanding how you function, what you need to be self-fulfilled and what you need to work on within your self-expression, attitude, beliefs, reactions and behaviour. You will go through stages of personal transformation, breakthroughs and healing. As a result, you will gain a new level of clarity, empowerment and capacity of manifestation of your goals and dreams. Our Workshops are a profoundly life-changing experience and a path for you to achieve all of the above.